

Quirky neighbourhood with a distinct rural feel. Originally settled by Italians, this neighbourhood is known for the beautiful gardens, horse farms, etc.


Powell Lake

This massive glacier-fed lake is a favourite  locals’ cabins area but also it is an access to the backcountry, great swimming, paddling and camping.


The historic townsite neighbourhood  of Powell River features much of the nightlife, climbing gym, cafes, food establishments , and a sandy ocean beach.

Little island camping  

Copelands, Curme and more. These little islands in a marine park are majestic places to wake up. Set up with outhouses and first come, first serve camping platforms.


Powell River is the exclusive base for a staggering amount of backcountry area including 32 lakes, the Sunshine Coast trail and undiscovered rock climbing.

Tla’amin First Nation  

qathet region’s rich history and contemporary art is everywhere here. There are many learning opportunities available with the very active Tla’amin First Nation.

Savary Island 

Billed as Canada’s Hawaii by bullshitters, its sand beaches are one of the warmest places to swim on a sunny day. Excellent day hikes and recreation makes this island popular with a tropical feeling in the summer.


Famous for its hideout for the draft dodgers of the US war in Vietnam, Lund flourished as a counter-culture center. Under the covers, it still lives up to the hype at the Lund gazebo, Dinner Rock , Diver’s rock and Okeover inlet.